I ve been there done that
I ve been there done that

i ve been there done that

I have already given you a chance and cannot trust you to not hurt me again. I am not willing to let my guard down and let you control me emotionally. I am currently enjoying myself and will not let your judgement bring me down. I have already experienced toxic relationships and am not willing to go through it again. Britney Spears and La Roux present a message of emotional independence and self-reliance against emotional pain. Overall, the song encourages self-preservation and the importance of emotional boundaries. All you do is fill me up with doubt” reinforce her resolve to protect herself from emotional harm. The next few lines, “I won’t let you turn around and tell me now I’m much too proud. She is emotionally shielding herself from any hurt or pain that someone may try to inflict on her.

i ve been there done that

She is not going to allow herself to be vulnerable to anyone’s emotions or actions. The speaker declares that this time, she will be “bulletproof”. The chorus is the key message of the song. She further emphasizes her newfound strength by repeating that she will never let anyone sweep her off her feet again.

i ve been there done that

She references burning bridges shore to shore, meaning that the speaker is no longer tied to any particular person or place in her past that may cause her emotional pain. I’m having fun, don’t put me down” suggest that the speaker has had past experiences with people who have tried to bring her down, but she has learned not to let them get to her. The opening lines, “Been there, done that, messed around. The lyrics of “Bulletproof” talk about being resilient against emotional pain and heartbreak. There's certain things that should be left unsaid To walk away from something when it's dead I'm not turned on to love until it's cheap

I ve been there done that